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tastemade, live

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CHALLENGE Inspire consumers in meaningful ways by bringing Walmart into a space of connection at every touchpoint. Showcase how Walmart helps consumers save time and money everyday.

SOLUTION Tap into Tastemade experiences to create a series of Maker-led livestream cooking classes to entertain and educate viewers about Walmart’s quality and convenience as an online grocery vendor. Utilize Tastemade’s popular Made to Order recipe format to further generate excitement and buzz for Walmart across social platforms.

Implement an API integration into Tastemade's O&O site, allowing audiences to shop for recipe ingredients via the Walmart website. Drive site-traffic through shoppable ad units and strategic media.

#consumergoods, #makers, #longform, #shoppableads, #livestream, #tunein, #API


increase in tiktok ctr


higher facebook collection ad ctr


lift in purchase intent


HBO Max Selena + Chef


Estrella Jalisco Michelada Mondays